Writing Samples

I Believe in Bananagrams
Even though this has nothing to do with food or nutrition, this is a piece near and dear to my heart. This is a short memoir about my family's favorite game, Bananagrams, cancer, and my Uncle Ken who unfortunately died because of it. I was selected to read it on our local NPR radio station for their "This I Believe" segment. To listen, click here:
I Believe in Bananagrams

This is the unabridged written version of the piece:
I Believe in Bananagrams

My interest in global health has never faltered, and my dedication to understanding it remains strong. In my recent Global Nutrition class, my opinions on global health initiatives and philosophies morphed once again. The book "Mountains Beyond Mountains: The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, A Man Who Would Cure the World" by Tracy Kidder was required in that class. The essay below is less about the book itself, but its effects on me and my future endeavors in global health as a global health minor student. 

Mountains Beyond Mountains

In my global health minor, I have focused in communication and economics. These are two tools I will need in the future if I am to address any nutritional problems on a global level. To put the next essay in context, I was responding to the infamous Pete Singer's solution to poverty. In short, he suggested that Americans, being virtually infinitely rich compared to most third world countries, donate a large percentage of their income to organizations such as Unicef.
To read his full article, follow this link: http://people.brandeis.edu/~teuber/singermag1.html

Singer’s Solution to Poverty


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