
1895 S. Allen St.
State College, PA

CAREER GOALS: To gain experience in a field dealing with nutrition. Eventually aiming to select an occupation as a Registered Dietitian that will enable me to empower clients to make dietary change, and to utilize my abilities to be inventive, organized and culturally minded.

Nutrition Sciences Major, The Pennsylvania State University, Schreyer Honor College, Currently Enrolled, GPA: 3.94. Graduation anticipated 2014.
Global Health Minor, competitive program that researches and speculates on global health issues. Course field work is in South Africa, Summer 2013.

Health and Wellness Intern at Food Marketing Institute Arlington, VA, Summer 2012
  • Developing “Let’s Put Our Plates Together” family meals campaign for food retailer 
  • Implementing Workplace Wellness programs at the FMI office 
  • Surveyed pharmacists, nutritionists and wellness experts to collect data to tell the story of health and wellness in the industry to the media, capitol hill and to interested food retailers 
  • Created the health and wellness center on the FMI website to be a resource for food retailers developing their health and wellness initiatives

Dietary Aide at Foxdale Retirement Home, State College, PA. Summer 2008- Summer 2011
·         Began work as wait staff, promoted to Dietary Aide and prep cook. Prepares and cooks food for special diets particular to the elderly population.

Nutrition Curriculum Designer State College, PA. Winter 2010- Present.
  •  Currently in the process of developing a curriculum kit for grade-school teachers that will be available at the State College local library.
  • Received the Health and Human Development Small Project Grant for its execution 
  • Being mentored by Star Campbell, R.D., a nutrition education professional.
  • Taught and piloted lessons in a local third classroom.
Schreyer Honor College Scholar, Deans List Fall 2010, Spring 2011, Fall 2011, Spring 2012
Chosen scholarship recipient and student in the honors college upon admission to Penn State.

Health and Human Development Grant Recipient
Awarded the Small Project Grant by the Health and Human Development College Dean, Awards Committee and Alumni Society Board to create nutrition curriculum kits for teachers via the Schlow Library.  

Penn State Dance Marathon (THON): Largest student-run philanthropy in the world—raised over 88 million dollars to fight Pediatric Cancer via the Four Diamonds Fund. Selected to be on the following committees: 
Opperations Committee Fall 2010-Spring 2011
Morale Committee Fall 2011-Spring 2012

Penn State Thespians and No Refund Theatre
·         Little Becky Two Shoes in Urinetown, Fall 2011
·         MasquerAIDS Spring 2012
·         Ensemble in Aida, Spring 2012
·         Lydia in Pride and Prejudice, Fall 2012 


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