>> Friday, April 29, 2011

You have reached the e-portfolio of Emma Gregory!

I am a nutrition major in Schreyer Honors College at Penn State University. I chose to be a nutrition major because of the field's capability to make incredible change in the lives and health of the people of the world. That may seem like a drastic notion to believe in, but food is an integral part to every community across the world, and it's responsible for the most suffering and unhealthiness in those communities as well. One example is one all too close to home. The obesity epidemic in America is no joke. While the research being conducted as to why we are facing such increases in BMI  is key to reversing the obesity trends in America, research alone doesn't have the capability to make the change needed to accomplish this daunting task. No, it's the nutrition professionals that "spread the word" about nutrition and the importance of making informed eating decisions. I aspire to be one of these professionals who work with individuals and communities across America--and the only way I will truly be successful is if I am equipped with the necessary communication tools. 

Mastering the art of rhetoric is truly the pathway to reaching the public, especially the respectably stubborn American public. Furthermore, I believe in the "good" rhetoric, verses the "bad" rhetoric that politicians are often criticized for employing. There is no "trickery" involved with the message of making wiser eating decisions and I have nothing to hide in my pursuit of reversing the staggering obesity trends. My rhetorical efforts will be geared towards understanding the needs and wants embedded in our culture to more effectively communicate with the individuals and communities that I share my country with.

I hope you find my portfolio to be insightful! Feel free to contact me with any questions.

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